Our house is around 27 years old. It has warm air heating served by a gas fired 9-10 year old Johnson & Starley air heater with a dom. hot water heater on board too. We have not changed any plumbing for several years or changed anything about the way we use our systems. However about a year ago the house started to "groan" when we used the hot water, then after several months the groan went away. It has now returned with a vengeance. It starts a few moments after we use hot water. It is not related to any particular tap or appliance and it doesn't happen when running cold water. It is difficult to trace the source of the noise or indeed the cause. I've been told by a plumber to start by changing the main water tank float valve but surely if that is the source it would happen if we drew off cold water (apart from off riser fed taps). You may already have guessed that I am not a plumber! Any ideas gratefully received.