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    • exedon2
      exedon2 replied to the thread Radiator tails weeping.
      Loctite 55 switched to it years ago never had a rad tail leak with it and at one point we were turning our over 20 dwellings a month.
    • exedon2
      exedon2 replied to the thread Texture metal lined pipe?.
      We have used tectite metal a lot should be used with classic fittings. Use tectite chamfer tool I've got set that fit in cordless. Have used it with speedfit fittings on temporary jobs (site toilets ect) in truth never had a leak...
    • exedon2
      exedon2 replied to the thread W-plan pump run on.
      We use eph stuff all the time very reliable but I still wouldn't fit a 3 port valve. Your draining down and saving £30 against two 2 ports ain't worth doing . Y plan = shorter lifespan and more difficult to trouble shoot.
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