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    • siricosm
      That could work. Some timers are SPDT, so one could put two controllers like the one you linked downstream of that, one set to day temperature, the other to night. The probes are way smaller than the pocket in the cylinder, so two of...
    • siricosm
      That thread is pretty old, but it is pretty much exactly what I have now, except that the boiler has been updated to Ideal's modern equivalent of the FF360. The controls are all on the diagram, it is just very simple. A mechanical...
    • siricosm
      The boiler is a heat only boiler with external pump that heats a thermal store, controlled by a mechanical cylinder stat. I had a thread on it a while back when I was designing it...
    • siricosm
      This one looks like the right idea, but from the description is does not seem to be able to program different temperatures for day/night. I only need an amp or two, just enough for the switched live to the boiler and the pump. The UFH...
    • siricosm
      siricosm reacted to ShaunCorbs's post in the thread Programmable digital cylinder stat with Like Like.
    • siricosm
      siricosm reacted to Basher's post in the thread Programmable digital cylinder stat with Like Like.
      The above controller has 10A rated relay contacts. If you have a 3kW immersion heater that's about 12.5A, so there might be a lifetime/reliability issue? UFH programmer/ thermostats usually have 16A contacts, so that might be a better...
    • siricosm
      I bought one of these: and I am using it to control the temperature of my hot tub, and it works great. Does anyone know of a device like this that does not use plugs but rather can be wired in? I am looking for something to control my...
      • Thermostat.jpg
    • siricosm
    • siricosm
      siricosm replied to the thread Tape for pipe insulation.
      I was using generic closed cell foam insulation from Screwfix, the grey stuff with a slit in it 13mm thick. I don't have room in a lot of places for much thicker. All the duct tape I have seen dries out after a few years and falls off...
    • siricosm
      siricosm reacted to ShaunCorbs's post in the thread Tape for pipe insulation with Like Like.
      Arma flex make sheet insulation and foam tape
    • siricosm
      Does anyone have recommendations for tape to seal the seams in foam pipe insulation? Most tape seems to get brittle over time and lose its stickiness and lets go. Also does anyone know of a foam pipe wrap? There are a lot of spots...
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