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  1. ShaunCorbs

    New combi choice - manufacturer with the 'best' controls?

    Honest opinion bin the smart valves / trvs and just use the trvs as over temp room control Wc and timer that’s it you can go dumb eg lifestyle 111 or still dumb but internet controlled eg nest let the wc sort the temp out might take a bit of tweaking eg adjusting the wc curve but once set...
  2. ShaunCorbs

    New combi choice - manufacturer with the 'best' controls?

    What system is it going onto eg rads ufh etc At a min I would weather comp but be warned are they used to hot rads when they turn the heating on as let’s say October time they would be lukewarm due to warmer temps etc
  3. ShaunCorbs

    Megaflo UVC - Very Loud Noise When Hot Tap Opened

    Guess you missed post 3
  4. ShaunCorbs

    Megaflo UVC - Very Loud Noise When Hot Tap Opened

    Yep seen it many times
  5. ShaunCorbs

    Oil line to boiler.

    Yes providing you fit a deairator
  6. ShaunCorbs

    Salus mag filter

    What cleaner did you use ?
  7. ShaunCorbs

    Salus mag filter

    Do you have old rads on the system ? As the magnet filter is only designed as a last resort and will catch some bits but not all
  8. ShaunCorbs

    Oil line to boiler.

    Or tiger loop it Should be good for 100m then if I remember worcesters table
  9. ShaunCorbs

    Ultra compact wall hung toilet frame

    Does the loo unit have a recommendation of what frame that it supports ? Eg bolt centres and fixing type Allen’s or simple nuts eg exposed fixings
  10. ShaunCorbs

    Pressure test query?

    Ballofix iso valve? Eg not the full bore one
  11. ShaunCorbs

    Pressure test query?

    if you limit the flow to 12lpm you should be fine
  12. ShaunCorbs

    So... Does anyone know what this is??

  13. ShaunCorbs

    So... Does anyone know what this is??

    It’s nothing it’s a 22-10mm manifold / spider guess it’s for looks
  14. ShaunCorbs

    Best flush cones for low level cistern connections?
  15. ShaunCorbs

    Best flush cones for low level cistern connections?

    The black rubber ones are ok
  16. ShaunCorbs

    Basin taps trickle...

    Maybe a washer needs replacing depending on the age of the tap
  17. ShaunCorbs

    customer wants boiler in unheated storeroom

    Why can’t you put the filter and other stuff in the heated space just fit the boiler in the boiler room ? Also most commercial set ups are like this
  18. ShaunCorbs

    Seized Filling Loop Tap

    You are turning the right way ? I only ask as it will only turn one way the lever / handle has stops if you look you will see it hard against the closed one Worst comes to the worst undo the screw that holds the handle on little pozi and remove the handle use a set of pliers to grab the brass...
  19. ShaunCorbs

    An Boiler be left on with water tuned off?

    Heating eg 10-12dc for frost you will be fine don’t see the need to keep the hot water on / hot