250ltr megaflow..not enough DHW

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Hi all, need some advice. Customer of mine has 5 adults living in a 5 bedroom house. Large shower enclosure and 2 ensuites all are fed from 250ltr megaflow but DHW runs out.Question is how can i give them more HW when its required, want to get it right first time, thanks.😕
Hi all, need some advice. Customer of mine has 5 adults living in a 5 bedroom house. Large shower enclosure and 2 ensuites all are fed from 250ltr megaflow but DHW runs out.Question is how can i give them more HW when its required, want to get it right first time, thanks.😕

Is the boiler firing but not able to keep up with the demand or is it on a timer and turned off when its most needed.
This cylinder should keep up with the needs of 5 adults.
Just had a thought its not one of them direct type just with immersion heaters is it?
I would say the cylinder is not large enough. We have installed 2 250ltr santon cylinders for a 6 bed, 4 bathroom'd house before because of very large hot water demand. You will have to readjust the timer, as these cylinders recover in around 20 mins
Is the boiler firing but not able to keep up with the demand or is it on a timer and turned off when its most needed.
This cylinder should keep up with the needs of 5 adults.
Just had a thought its not one of them direct type just with immersion heaters is it?
Agree with ecowarm.
Also check on wastage,have had this were hot water supply ok at night and weekend but mornings the problem time,this is because they get up, turn shower on ,moving dial to hot,so hot comes through faster,walk about,go to the loo,clean their teeth,clean the fluff out of their belly button,then turn shower down to correct temp,stand their for 15mins thinking how bad life is or were they are going in life,then wash,get out shower,examine them selves in mirror for 5 mins then turn shower off,or leave running for next person,then wonder why they only get a few showers 🙁
At night or weekend,its dash ,dash quick shower and out,thus no problem

Advise them to only turn shower on in morning,when they are ready to have shower and turn off afterwards,will find amount of showers will double🙂

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have you got flow limiters on the showers to restrict the amount of water used?
Agreed very important in fact i put flow limiters on all hot water outlet for unvented and combi boiler systems otherwise you end up small toilet handwash basins with 25 ltrs a min etc... complete waste. you have to strangle the water supply because councils do keep turning their flow and pressure down.
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