I can more or less bet my last penny on this course NOT securing an apprenticeship.
i agree 100% we will not guarantee an apprenticeship
How are they going to have any more success than you? A future employer is going to look more favourably on someone who is actively looking to help themselves, rather than an institution phoning up to say "We have a number of well suited apprentices, blah, blah, blah."
i wont comment on other colleges but i work in SLC in East Kilbride and our pre-apprentice course has been very successful and placed over 20 trainees with employers last term on a full time apprenticeship, the relationship between the college and employers is very good, we start the trainee in their chosen field, they get a feel for it and some hands on after 4 weeks there is a review to see if they really do want to be a plumber/joiner/painter/builder, some teenagers fancy a trade but when they actually start it isnt what they think and they chuck it (ring any bells with anyone?) an employer is delighted that we have 8-12 weeks to train someone to get out of bed in the morning, dont poke him with the sharp end of that screwdriver, yes that blowlamp is burnie, we teach basic H&S tool recognition, basic pipebending, basic pipe fabrication some sanitary ware fitting, so the trainee doessnt go straight in at work knowing nothing, you say an employer looks favourably on someone who helps themselves, surely they are helping themselves by joining a course (they dont pay for it and get bus fare type expenses, so they are showing commitment, they also get IT classes to do CV's etc, they do citizeonship work which involves some charity work, awareness of others and not always about me, me, me. we have interviewed them and are experienced enough to know after 6 weeks who will make it, we set up interviews in the college for employers to meet a few potential apprentices, the employer gets to see their record of work, attendance and the lecturer gives an opinion on what we think, so all in all i dont think it is all blah blah blah from us we are providing an excellant well used service
You can pay your money and go on the course. You finish the course. Then what? They won't have a job for you. You've just done their job by paying them! They'll be more interested in the next customer.
they dont pay it is a funded course
BUT - if you can find an employer who'll take you on and you suggest you'll pay your basic training costs (e.g. this course) that could be the way in. There are loads of these courses around the country and you can sign up quickly and easily. Getting the job is the hard part.
we also work with SNIPEF to ensure the employer gets any/all funding available, which can be £4k per year
Self employed? That's difficult too (in my experience!)
no comment on this as it will depend how the candidate gets on, and who they are
3 years ago most of what I've said didn't apply - but the recession has hit all sorts of people and the construction industry is one of the more battle torn areas.