I have moved into a new build house which is heated by an air source heat pump.
- is it correct that they do not need servicing/maintenance or is that a high risk strategy
- Do any companies provide insurance cover in the same way you can cover a conventional boiler
- There is a sporty household of 3 all of whom shower in the morning, often we have two showers a day, 2 water tanks obviously new and well insulated. How many hours would you suggest the water is heated for and should this be split across the day/night or done in one go see also point 5
- I understand that when both the heating and the water is on the water has preference. Presumably therefore it makes sense to have the heating and water on independent of each other is that usual.
- The heating is required from 5.30am to 8am and again from 2.30pm to 10.00pm bearing this in mind what would be the recomendation for water timing
- Any other tips about operating such a system