Alcathene mains supply deteriorating

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Does anyone know about the deterioration of black alcathene pipe? Two pin-hole leaks recently beneath an old lady's flat and pipe is about 25yr old. How long is this stuff supposed to last? Any help gratefully received.
bout 25 years by what your saying, reember plastics hav changed in quality over the years and some of the older stuff is now to brittle to contemplate working on especially the 1/2" glued plastic in some houses.
Hi. Common problem with these products. If you are thinking of renewing? There are firms out there who use thrust bore method, which can save a lot of mess, digging and time, when putting in MDPE pipe as a replacement. Good Luck
dont know how long life span is but u want to replace it. just replaced one myself for lady who had little black shavings coming out of her hot and cold taps and turned out to be the iner wall of the alcathene pipe disintergrating so renewed and flushed systems through
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