Apprenticeship help

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I have just completed level 1 course in plumbing and i am starting level 2 in September. I have been looking for an apprenticeship for ages now but i have had no luck. I have tried different methods of contacting plumbers like email, writing letters and directly phoning them but nobody seems interested and i am finding it very hard to get onto the apprenticeship scheme. I have learned some valuable plumbing skills on level 1 like soldering, pipe bending and connecting up toilets, baths and basins. I live in Romford and have very good tansport links near by. I was wondering if there was any plumbers on here who are looking for an apprentice or if you know anyone else who might be looking for an apprentice, it would be much appreciated if anyone could help. Thanks.
Hi Dano. Its hard times currently, but get your self tidy and hang about plumbers merchants, canvasing all who enter. Sometimes the personalities click and your away. A bit like pulling birds. Good Luck
PS. Don't forget to write your details out a few times to give to interested parties.
You could even get something business card type for free or not much on vistaprint so can give your details, they have loads of freebies.
Just an idea - Offer to work for free in your spare time at your local plumbers merchants, you'll get good experience and will make contact with local plumbers.
what a complicated process all of these...........
Apprenticeship,levels,6829,training programmes,courses,works,no experience,expensive courses and etc....
i wanna become plumber as well but i am really scaring from all of these 🙁
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