Are we training too many plumbers?

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Hi All,

This is a quote from the TES website

"Do we really have a demand-led system? What percentage of the statistics above could be down to supply-led initiatives by colleges? - for example, 48,000 did a technical certificate in plumbing in 2007. These plumbing courses are marketed by colleges who seem to have no regard for the supply and demand of the labour market; where do all these partially trained plumbers go? We only need 2,000 plumbers per year! If you are a plumbing apprentice and have had to go back to college to complete your apprenticeship on a 'programme-led' scheme, you must wonder why the evening courses are packed with adults wanting to become plumbers - seems odd that colleges are still pushing plumbing courses, whilst taking back apprentices that have been made redundant. It is reported here that we have a demand-led system, so where will all the plumbing employers come from to meet the ‘supply’ generated by colleges?"

What do we make of these figures?
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I dont think that there has been a shortage of skilled trades since the second world war. There is now a surplace of tradesman, not alot of them skilled.

Hi All,

This is a quote from the TES website

"Do we really have a demand-led system? What percentage of the statistics above could be down to supply-led initiatives by colleges? - for example, 48,000 did a technical certificate in plumbing in 2007. These plumbing courses are marketed by colleges who seem to have no regard for the supply and demand of the labour market; where do all these partially trained plumbers go? We only need 2,000 plumbers per year! If you are a plumbing apprentice and have had to go back to college to complete your apprenticeship on a 'programme-led' scheme, you must wonder why the evening courses are packed with adults wanting to become plumbers - seems odd that colleges are still pushing plumbing courses, whilst taking back apprentices that have been made redundant. It is reported here that we have a demand-led system, so where will all the plumbing employers come from to meet the ‘supply’ generated by colleges?"

What do we make of these figures?
In 10 years nearly 1% of the population will be a plumber.
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1%? Perhaps 1% will call themselves a plumber - maybe 0.1% WILL be a plumber

1%? Perhaps 1% will call themselves a plumber - maybe 0.1% WILL be a plumber

and based on those figures in just one year if every 'trained' plumber was trading then each whould have just 1,000 customers each?.

this is why i am trying to do the survey to understand the figure ballance.
have you done yours yet?.

The thing is aswell, (and this is just a guess as Iam unsure of the age /sex demographics of our country), take into account the people of the correct age tobe working, so dicount 0-15yr olds and 65+, people who cant work through disabilities etc then maybe 20,000000 people are working then 5% of people will be plumbers in 10 years.
10 years from now more plumbers than postmen, who will be earning a premium salary due to the scarcity............I may just stay where I am 😉
They say within ten years time you will never be further away than 20 feet from a plumber 😛
Like now we have pest control,there will be plumber control,same thing some may say
They will be a scratching at peoples doors,leaving ptfe and solder droppings all over the place
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i know they are figures for new entrants but i wonder if there are figures for people who do the course and then try to get into the trade but then fall by the way side
i know they are figures for new entrants but i wonder if there are figures for people who do the course and then try to get into the trade but then fall by the way side

Yes, more pain in the rse customers who will be watching over my shoulder telling me how to do my job "because they did a 12wk course in 2009" and therfore know how it should be done🙄.
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The 6129 came in around 2003. If we have trained 50,000 a year for just 6 years thats 300,000 trained in that short time

If we only need 2,000 a year as suggested the goverment have paid for enough plumbers in the last 6 years to last us for 150 years!!!!

I bet puddle will still be posting then!

Still fancy paying 10k to train? the advertising that plumbing jobs are hard to fill dont look so inviting now
john how many of them are from people with a nvq level 2 or 3

and how many are asking for a apprenticeship or have the 6128/9 tech cert?
john how many of them are from people with a nvq level 2 or 3

and how many are asking for a apprenticeship or have the 6128/9 tech cert?

Most have the cert and looking for nvq 2 or sometimes 3. I have had a few with 15 yrs plus experience acs and gs asking for " any work "

Say around 2-3 a month have txt speak in them , some are quite funny any jbs goin mate? I am an appurentis.
Get about 2 a week. I think the colleges encourage them to send them out.

If any have text speak in them they would go straight in the bin. If people can't be bothered to make the effort to write properly they don't deserve a look in even if I had a vacancy.
Get about 2 a week. I think the colleges encourage them to send them out.

If any have text speak in them they would go straight in the bin. If people can't be bothered to make the effort to write properly they don't deserve a look in even if I had a vacancy.
i do the same if you dont have an english degree youll never make a good plumber
Training is another industry, with high powered sales people feeding the punters . It seams to work. However the plumbing / heating game has changed massively over the years. Were the plumber was involved with all types of pipework material for water, air, soil and waste, roofing in zinc, lead, copper, glazing, solid flue, oil, gas, warm air ducting, Guttering with various materials. The list goes on. Now it seems a large number carry the badge for connecting to a 15 mm main supply with a glorified Ascot on the end of it to heat the water and house, using the equivalent of hose and jubilee clips to transport the fluids. I am of the opinion that these modern methods will create plenty of poorly paid installation / repair/maintenance work for plumbers in the future. However those who specialise in areas within the trade are still having it off. Solar, solid fuel stoves, heat pumps, metal roofing and more are areas where good money can be earn't and they will be targeted when plumbing training reaches saturation point. The problem being you can not stop people from dreaming. Good Luck
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i think you need to learn more and progress further than text speak to get a degree in English🙄
actually i was being a tad sarcastic most of the boys from my generation who became involved with the building trades tended to be from the lower school achievers boys who couldnt do maths at school often got to grips with it at colldge when shown how to do heat calcs areas and volume
txt spk shd nt be a bar 2 b ing a plmba
Customers are going to take a dim view of any trdesman using txt spk in any correspondence, and communication between trades could be subject to misinterpretation. After all, it's not tolerated in the military. Anyway, with intelligent texting now, is there really any need for some of the more inane abbreviations?
actually i was being a tad sarcastic most of the boys from my generation who became involved with the building trades tended to be from the lower school achievers boys who couldnt do maths at school often got to grips with it at colldge when shown how to do heat calcs areas and volume
txt spk shd nt be a bar 2 b ing a plmba

I have to disagree steve. If you go back 20/30/40 years or more the trade was very hands on. The hand skills required were difficult and took years to learn. With most trades this isnt as much the case anymore with easier materials and jointing methods on the market. However, the design considerations and the technical knowledge required has much increased, learning to be a plumber now is alot more classroom based than before, and we could eaily argue less about workshop.

therefore as the trade has changed so should the learners coming into it, they require more theory skills and less practical skills.

to complete a full apprenticeship in the UK all learners must pass English and Maths at C grade or above (or equivilant). Therefore its not possible to pass the course without that knowledge.

what you are leaning towards is a skillful plumber without the technical know how, called a plumbers mate. they have a place in industry for me and used to be paid about 90% of a plumber because they could do everything a plumber could but had to be told where the pipes go etc. All people with only a 6129 would have been classed years ago as a plumbers mate and paid accordingly. Those with a full apprenticeship would get the credit and pay in accordance with that

TO SUM UP - text speak does not stop you fitting things as well as other plumbers but does reduce the likelyhood that you have the ability to complete all the studies required and recognised by the sector skills council to make you a trades person
Ok im going to add something to this conversation. i myself have enrolled in a short 8 week course the course is a 6129 cert (BUT!!!!!!!!!!! with a difference) i have managed to negotiate a deal with a certain training school to get my 6129 plus my central heating plus part L logic plus water regs plus a 4 module CH course for £2995 plus vat (£3521.00 Inclu vat) 8 weeks plus 4 days over 3 seperate periods for the different extras that have managed to blag.All im saying is that whether ur a plumber or training to become a good plumber (which 1 day i will be) recession is recession and i have to watch every penny i can, The original course fees they wanted were £5799,00 inclu vat. I have managed to save 2 grand. At the end of the day training is training but being out there is my goal.😀😀. Keep Smiling.Hiretools.😎
Ok im going to add something to this conversation. i myself have enrolled in a short 8 week course the course is a 6129 cert (BUT!!!!!!!!!!! with a difference) i have managed to negotiate a deal with a certain training school to get my 6129 plus my central heating plus part L logic plus water regs plus a 4 module CH course for £2995 plus vat (£3521.00 Inclu vat) 8 weeks plus 4 days over 3 seperate periods for the different extras that have managed to blag.All im saying is that whether ur a plumber or training to become a good plumber (which 1 day i will be) recession is recession and i have to watch every penny i can, The original course fees they wanted were £5799,00 inclu vat. I have managed to save 2 grand. At the end of the day training is training but being out there is my goal.😀😀. Keep Smiling.Hiretools.😎

whats the 4 module CH course? and remember the 6129 is not a full qual
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