Hi All,
This is a quote from the TES website
This is a quote from the TES website
"Do we really have a demand-led system? What percentage of the statistics above could be down to supply-led initiatives by colleges? - for example, 48,000 did a technical certificate in plumbing in 2007. These plumbing courses are marketed by colleges who seem to have no regard for the supply and demand of the labour market; where do all these partially trained plumbers go? We only need 2,000 plumbers per year! If you are a plumbing apprentice and have had to go back to college to complete your apprenticeship on a 'programme-led' scheme, you must wonder why the evening courses are packed with adults wanting to become plumbers - seems odd that colleges are still pushing plumbing courses, whilst taking back apprentices that have been made redundant. It is reported here that we have a demand-led system, so where will all the plumbing employers come from to meet the ‘supply’ generated by colleges?"
What do we make of these figures?
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