Had to change a couple of monoblock taps a while ago and struggled to do the job untill I bought a set of cheap box spanners..
Although the spanners worked, I would prefer to use sockets where possible. I have now found some 80mm deep reach sockets on line and I am wondering if they would be deep enough in most cases?
Also, what are the common sizes of sockets generally needed for this?
I am not a plumber by trade, and just do simple DIY jobs for myself and family....Trying to see if I can get away with buying two or three of the more common sockets or whether to stump up for a full set...
Although the spanners worked, I would prefer to use sockets where possible. I have now found some 80mm deep reach sockets on line and I am wondering if they would be deep enough in most cases?
Also, what are the common sizes of sockets generally needed for this?
I am not a plumber by trade, and just do simple DIY jobs for myself and family....Trying to see if I can get away with buying two or three of the more common sockets or whether to stump up for a full set...