I'm changing a radiator and the problem I have is the flow and return pipes that fit into the valves need to be positioned away from the wall further because of the new radiator being a larger depth. I want to put a small kick in these pipes to bring them out more but when I put a 15mm spring into the pipe it wont go past where the old olive was on the valve because its made an indentation on the inside of the pipe. I cant get under the floor to do any alterations because it's a solid floor. I could cut away making the pipe shorter where the old olive was but I need the length of pipe that I have coming through the floor. My only other option would be to buy a chrome 45 degree compression fitting but that would look ugly (This may be the only option)and by the looks of it they are rarer than rocking horse Rubbish. any options to get a spring past those old olive indentations?