Best thing to seal kitchen sink plug hole?

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I have a cheap kitchen sink and the plug hole surround is not fully sealed, and im not sure how to seal it. When the sink has water in it, the surround for the plug hole leaks and water drips through, is there any special material that would be best to seal the leak?

Simply try a quality silicone on both faces, but don`t squirt loads on it😉
take it to bits dry it off and bed it down with a bit of silocone on both parts instead of the rubber
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Welcome Rking100 whilst all the above posts are suitable I like to use a McAlpine combined waste and overflow model no FSW2PC for these types of sink as you do not require any type of sealant 🙂regards turnpin
likewise always have a McAlpine catalogue to hand got me out of many a trickey situation🙂regards turnpin
Ive siliconed most of the plug hole now so hopefully that will work!If not I shall invest in a mcalpine waste and overflow!
Cheers guys!
Ive siliconed most of the plug hole now so hopefully that will work!If not I shall invest in a mcalpine waste and overflow!
Cheers guys!
The silicone should seal it. But, if it doesn't I wouldn't fancy the job of getting it out again.
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