Listen up people.
This brexit discussion thread is about brexit AND YOUR BUSINESS. Not pig about a politician in a thread on a plumbing forum where they wont read it. Go make a petition, join a demonstration, moan about it on your own social media account page, whatever. But there's no way on earth I'm deleting this discussion because plebs can't follow the forum rules.
If you want to delete your account you can here:
Don't post a thread about you doing it before you actually do it. Just do it. It costs more moderation time clearing up your threads when you do that. Their time is better spent helping people who need help with things like uploading images and things where people appreciate their time.
This thread will do some good for those wondering how brexit will affect their plumbing business, if at all.
Not a single comment about an individual politician is going to do any good at all.
Get this thread back on topic.
We will be thread-banning people (stopping you from replying to this thread) and sticking your whole account in a baby-monitor group where all your posts will need manual approval before going live. If you carry on using this thread to flame people - whether members or not.
Grow the **** up. This isn't facebook. It's a plumbing forum. Help each other out or sod off.