why r people bamging on about get registered now, the standard of plumbers will not go down just because they call the qual something different` it took me 2 yrs to get 6129 cert 2 and nvq 2, and i consider myself a f*****g good investment when a customer calls, i have many other skills and do very well as regards to custmer satisfaction, reliability and have a great sense of gratitude to the customer for giving me the opertunity to prove myself, i do consider myself GREEN but how else are we to learn especially when(not having a go)nobody that does know wants to know,it really does seem to me that folk dont want to pass on their gen. when i was 17 i am now 45 i had every oppertunity to learn, thicko me did not take that chance, now however at every oppotunity i push to teach kids the essentials. knowledge is food, sharing is essential.