Central Heating Question

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steven wheaton


I have an indirect vented central heating system. I have noticed that the water in the F & E tank is black and i have read that this will be iron oxide that has accumulated in the system so i probably have a nice amount of sludge in the system. I would like to treat the system somehow to improve performance and avoid any system failures down the line. I have read about power flushing but i am dubvious about this. Is it possible to add something to the F & E tank, allow this to go around the system for a little while then drain and re-fill adding new inhibitor ?

hi you can add a desludger and let it flow round your system and drain at a later date and then refill i havnt ever done this but its by far the cheeper option as the chemical only costs about £10-£15 from a diy store but just make sure to add an inhiberter after draining down . hope this helps
If the Fand e tank is full of black water as you say and you dont want the exense of a flushing machine as feltham says put some flushing agent in the system and follow the instructions for the amount of time it stays in the system, If you can afford one install a magnetec at this point it will help to collect loads of crud.
Turn on the system to allow the pump to circulate the flushing agent, then go around all your radiators looking for cold spots, this will tell you if the rads a are blocked any where.
then when you drain the system take all the rads off and flush them with a hose pipe this will clear most of the crud, then put the rads back on, fill and flush the system a couple more times to makesure the pipes are clean then put in your inhibitor.
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