As a for instance, a small mid terrace with front room (inc front entrance),
Back room is the kitchen and the staircase leads off this room and has no door at the bottom of stairs.
On the first floor is two rooms and a bathroom.
Oh yes I forgot to mention, the gas fire in the down stairs front room.
Because of the heat input to the down stairs rooms from the gas fire and the cooker a room stat will be a problem but with a New type Vitodens 100 it is possible to achieve a comfortable dwelling using weather comp.
As you proberbly know the weather comp on the 100 is activated by the fitting of the outside sensor, and the curve is adjusted (lifted or lowered) by simply turning the rad temp knob.
I have a 90 year old customer who has a 100 combi and an out side sensor, and a few existing TRV’s upstairs, but no room stat.
When she goes out or goes to bed for the night she lowers the curve by turning the rad knob to a very low setting,
When she gets up in the morning or comes in from the bingo, she turns the knob up to the black dot on the facia and so lifts the curve to a setting that is comfortable for her whilst keeping the boiler operating within a temperature range that enables it to condense as it was designed to do.
OK what about an interlock I hear you saying to your selves, but in this instance I had to use a bit of commonsense, she was of the switch it on and switch it off school, where as what she has now is a boiler operates efficiently and the temperatures in her house are constantly adjusted relative to the out side temperature by the weather comp curve, and at night if it gets really cold she wont pop off due to hyperthermia as the weather comp will bring the boiler on, and this installation has been running since last November and she is not complaining about her gas bill. (I still have her old Warmfront 82e in Lancs if any one needs spares)
I admit that I was a weather comp doubter, it sounded like a right load of salesman speak, but now I have fitted it on Avanta’s, Vitodens and hopefully Intergas boilers some time soon, and I like it so much that I usually remonstrate with counter staff who don’t push it and blokes who don’t fit weather comp because it really does makes sense.
Obviously I have not rolled in off the street and seen the weather comp light, I am on other sights and will be honest and say I got this link from another site,
my reason for coming on here, apart from to meet another bunch of spanner men was to try and talk some/all of you into signing a couple of e-petitions that a couple from Southport and a bloke from further south have started on the Number 10 web site because they are fed up with the suits at Warmfront.
Any way back to where to stick a room stat, if we look at the house I described at the start of this post it would be possible to achieve a compromise by using a Vitotrol 100 Radio frequency digital programmable room stat which the bloke could place in the front room when the fire is not lit or at least move it into a corner but allow him to move it into the kitchen when the oven is not on.
Like I said it’s all about a bit of using our common sense, that’s something the ones who make the rules don’t seem to have a lot of at times.
The radio Frequency programmable room stat is also done in an Analog format that is very customer friendly.
Ps OK Mr Moderater can you tell me, whats the crack re petitions?
Have noted you work on real viesmanns, they are loverly boilers. Wouldnt mind having a close up at one of them one day.