I'm looking for advice on cleaning out a system, I want to put in something like Sentinel X800 and also a magnacleaner to fully clean it out, the house could be 70yrs old and the pipework 30yrs old, the pipework has been replaced in places and leaks cured but to fully utilise the heat from an open fire with a back boiler I want to have everything working to it's maximum, I don't know if the cleaning fluid would be too powerful without more damage or which is the best magnacleaner - which I will have to reduce from inch pipe to 3/4 to accommodate it, there seems to be no opinions on which cleaner is best on the web
I'm looking for advice on cleaning out a system, I want to put in something like Sentinel X800 and also a magnacleaner to fully clean it out, the house could be 70yrs old and the pipework 30yrs old, the pipework has been replaced in places and leaks cured but to fully utilise the heat from an open fire with a back boiler I want to have everything working to it's maximum, I don't know if the cleaning fluid would be too powerful without more damage or which is the best magnacleaner - which I will have to reduce from inch pipe to 3/4 to accommodate it, there seems to be no opinions on which cleaner is best on the web