daisy chain heating

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Interesting job the other day

gets a call from a customer who had moved house and wanted me to check the boiler, heating etc. Serviced boiler but noticed the furthest away rads were much cooler, at first i thought it was a single pipe system so started to balance out the radiators but then noticed as i gagged back the first radiator that all the radiators went cold. Further investigation revealed that the previous owner had built the house around an old house and had put the system in himself and had piped the heating system to flow in and out each radiator as a link and then only return at the furthest point and all in 15mm (in a 6 bedroomed house) access to the pipework under the floor is impossible without ripping up floorboards in every room.

anyone else out there come across this ?
Found this in a barn convertion a few years back, bloke had fitted his own radiators and pipework, there was pipes all over the place! In walls going diaganal, in one rad and out to the next, had 2 en-suites upstairs and no loft so he connected a Grade 3 vented cylinder to the mains...Man it was a mess!!!! I feel sorry for whoever moved in there because as soon as the place heats up and the first trv shuts down then the whole house will go cold!
Have seen two radiators chained together (top and bottom) but never as you say. Would have thought that anyone competent enough to fit radiators would be intelligent enough to realise that such an arrangement wouldn't work.

Need to start looking for a friendly joiner!
iw was the most amazing house

the centre of the house was an old railway carriage so the roofs were half round and the walls were tongue and groove slats from the side of the carriage. which were plastered over Also while having a look round i noticed a 10mm gas pipe on the skirting board by the electric fire. I pulled the electric fire out to have a look at the gas pipe and it was sealed with a plastic stopper and some silicone. the owner was horrified.
Im amazed the place is still standing
On some very old systems seen this

Seen it on some builder small systems,on small flat conversions

Had one megaflow with towel rail on hot water circuit,they piped this way,so when you turned towel rail off,cut off mega flow as well ,another builder 🙁
three rads on an angled bay window daisey chained on the surace with valve either end was the norm around the semis in east london saved having a rad cut n shut
any easy solution to the problem would be to convert to a full one pipe system. no digging up floors or chasing pipes
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