Faulty immersion Heater

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Hi everyone my girlfriends mums immersion heater has stopped working. She has a back boiler and a primatic(combination) 7ortic is the make cylinder upstairs. i checked the live feed to and from the double pole switch with a volt pen and that is all working so i know its not a fuse.

I have added some photos incase anyone not sure of my description,

What i want to know is how do you drain down this tank to change the immersion heater filament as it is at the very bottom and i cannot see a drain off cock anywhere. if i ran the hot and cold water the top tank would empty and the hot water to just below the hot water feed. but that leaves alot of water still in the hot water part of the tank.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Cheers everyone

(cant upload photos for some reason at the moment)
there usually is a drain cock at the bottom of it to be honest have you had a good look for it?

You are going to have fun filling this back up if you have never worked on one before
It may have tripped out on the stat if its fairly new. It is a black button on the stat that needs pressing in to reset. Make sure the electric supply is isolated/ remove fuse before removing the cover or get an electrician.

If its not that then it may be the immersion or stat at fault.

If you need to drain the cylinder there should be a DOC somewhere, maybe round the back?
not an easy job to drain other wise on a fortic tank.
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did you check the thermostat on immersion as it can be them quite often.
just using a multimeter put it to the bell and put it on the two screws wear the tempeture setting is and if it bells its ok and if not thats your problem and much cheaper and easier to fit.
if its the immersion itself, is there one top and bottom or just the one?
is it a cold storage tank on top of the cylinder?

by the way if your not sure i would get someone to do it as you can also break cylinder while changing it and we dont want that to happen!especially if its an old one
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did you check the thermostat on immersion as it can be them quite often.
just using a multimeter put it to the bell and put it on the two screws wear the tempeture setting is and if it bells its ok and if not thats your problem and much cheaper and easier to fit.
if its the immersion itself, is there one top and bottom or just the one?
is it a cold storage tank on top of the cylinder?

by the way if your not sure i would get someone to do it as you can also break cylinder while changing it and we dont want that to happen!especially if its an old one
Agree with Boyler, the stat is only a couple of quid and you dont need to drain down the cylinder or remove the imersion heater either.
It would be be nice for the stat to be broke but its gonna be sods law I.e the element needs changing. As you said you drained the cold fill , get some towels disconnect the dhw draw off stick ya hose pipe in and syphon the tank😉
Hey tom.

Are they a bit of a pain then to refill and if so why is that?
Many thanks Darren
Just make sure all hot taps are on when you refill then no probs no air lock
Thanks for the response.
The tank feeds a basin hot tap and the hot kitchen tap. thats it.
The tank is ancient and has the left overs of an insulation jacket around it lol

Anyone know why it keeps failing my photo uploads is it because they are to big?
Change the stat, if its not the stat what have you lost? 1hr and £3, if your handy with a multimeter you can check the stat in a minute.
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