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Don't see point of this. I "cheat" and put some high impact waterproof adhesive like Hard as Nails on the taps and horse them up tight with a box spanner. Never move!
Just the thing to use for taps that keep on losening themselves.
I would only use them in this instance as as youve said they arent usually neccesary.
I use them regularly, especially with slightly oversized or distorted holes in the basin. They make a very snug waterproof fit and the white rubber moulded 'washer' looks better than the usual black one normally supplied.

They're not absolutely essential - but they make life easier!
You dont really glue the taps in , please tell me it was a joke😱
Nope actually we spot weld them on. Gives the customer a choice when they come to renew their taps. They can either renew the basin or they can renew the basin....'cause the taps were too hard to get off!

If they work and were cheaper i'd use em, some never stay still for me,

What's the preferred method without using them?

Myself, brass back nuts, (need a decent long box spanner that will fit them as they're slightly smaller than norm) touch of something sticky if no washers with tap
You laugh but I had a lad start for me who told us he used tile cement to stick basins back ! He 's not with us any more 😡
i use plumbers mait and a brass back nut

turn the tap to three o clock and tighten as much as poss then crack it round to near 6 o clock, maybe just past
used them on basin before with dodgy moulding around tap holes could not get tap to sit upright without them. Apart from that plumbers mait top hat washer and brass back nut
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