Which campfire ?
I say its about time those robbin bstrds Corgi were taken to task. GWN what is that , lets not forget they just decided to foist it upon rgi and make it part of the rules of registration, under the guise of being part of the new HIP ...lol... all they did was make money, who has had a random inspection ( another lie ) come from GWN, and who wants their customers to be contacted by Corgi through GWN promoting their competent installers scheme members.
Corgi, smorgi, borgi, whatever... we are rgi and thats all the customrs need to know
It could be the end of all this gwn bllcks, not two schemes, as what authority will a body / company have if its not covered by any law as in the case of GWN, lets face it Corgi only had a mandate for registration from the hse the other stuff they dreamt up , now they have had their a**es kicked again ...hence losing the register, hurray I say.
Most of the Corgi guys will be working for Capita anyway ,I bet, so you will still be meeting your friendly inspectors.
Get over to the ARGI site all RGI and nothing else , they helped bring this change about, and about time too.