galvanized steel pipe to copper fitting?

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that bloke.

ive got galvanized steel pipe running from the stopcock in my garden to the stopcock where it enters the house. it looks like 1'' pipe. i wish to replace this pipe but cannot do so for at least two weeks so i need to couple 15mm copper to this galvanized pipe for the time being.

is there a coupling that can connect unthreaded (i need to cut the stopcock off) galvanized 1'' steel pipe to 15 mil copper?
Some of the Philmac fittings are supposed to do this - check the website.

Can't you get a diestock onto the pipe end and cut a thread?
there are compresion joints for steel. i not sure if theres one that takes it to copper. obviously there is if threaded, just a male iron to copper then reducers.
id ask at the suppliers, i find bss good
+GF+ PRIMOFIT (GEORGE FISHER) do galv comp fittings but not certain if WRAS approved.
thanks guys , i got a coupling that does the job , i think its called a transition coupling? its the kind that is used on the big mains pipes , the big chunky black ones. i am not sure that it fitted properly though. there was a gripper bit with teeth that closed around the galvy pipe when the coupling was closed up but there was also a big chunky o ring in there , the o ring wouldn't fit around the pipe so i am assuming it compressed between the end of the pipe and the coupling body to make a seal. perhaps its designed for steel pipe but the O.D. of the galvy pipe is slightly more?

i thought about trying to cut a thread but the end of the pipe is a good 10 inches down in concrete so it was quite tight.

here we are fellas , it was indeed philmac.

thanks again.
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