Get into solar its looking to be the way forward my company has and they put me on the bpec course get plenty of servicing out of it also i would say become an electrician because we get more pv jobs over thermal[/QU
Having lived in a country with endless sun for 4 years,returning to the UK and finding everyman and his dog are putting their future in solar is quite worrying.Having crunched the numbers for payback on solar hwt,and now the pv tariff looks to be halved,doing a search on line about the 1000 complaints about mis selling solar systems.Solar has its place,but its not gonna be a saviour,better to start digging coal again,get nuclear sorted.Then you can have a warm shower on a winters nite.Or has the UK politicians brainwashed a genneration with the ''green police'' while China,America,Australia burn coal to their hearts content,while we bath in lukewarm water because the sun wasnt out today