Newbie! People have been doing DIY gas work for years and they have never been stopped, just like the cowboys who do it for money.
So we either try the best we can to ensure they are safe as possible doing it or we ignore them and retreat into our wizard like den.
I have never heard of anybody getting reprimanded by anybody for giving safety advice on the internet and do not think I ever will.
Incidentally the same applies to gas boiler installation and repair, combi system pipework which technically is classed as unvented and unvented systems themselves.
That leaves little else to talk about on the forum regarding central heating and gas work.
Also one wonders why manufacturers give the same sort of advice I would give?
The answer is simple, the law demands they do, and a copy of all instructions be left with the householder. The whole object of GaSafe is what it says in its title.
Now unless the DIYer cannot read and none of his or her mates can, they already have the information to work on appliances in more depth than I could give them.
All I am doing is reinforcing information that they probably already have access to.
So how do you get around that?
Incidentally nobody on the forum really knows who is a DIYer and who is not, for all I know you may know nothing about Plumbing or Gas fitting.
No reflection on you of course, its just the way the internet works and the personal anonymity it gives.
Also I do not think it would be a good idea for anybody to put their GaSafe number up, simply because, it could be copied and turn up all over the place.
However if you think the info I try to give is wrong, then check it out for yourself, just as a DIYer should.
The idea that anybody would take it as read, anything they read on the internet without verifying it from other sources seems to be well out of date.
The forum is a place to talk about anything relating to the trade, not to act as a censorship machine.
And why would GaSafe engineers require information, shouldn't they already know?
The answer is of course, technology moves so quick now days we need updating whenever a new boiler is put on the market, not every five years.
So we need information as much as a DIYer does, so does that mean we are DIYers?
Of course it doesn't, it just means we are ignorant of the new models like the DIYer is of the drop test procedures probably.
Share what you know is perhaps a good motto.