cheers op , unfortunately my boiler position has been moved to another room , its around 3 meters away from where it should have been although all this is still just speculation as i may not have to move it at all , hopefully.
i have now read that the pipe needs to have 25 mil of cement/screed ontop of it , if this is true then i might not have to breech my dpc , any thoughts on this depth issue?
coated pipe sounds better as i may not have to dig out too much floor for it , i will see what the gas safety plumber says on the day , obviously any solder joints such as the 90 bend below the riser to the boiler for example will be wrapped in tape. the last time i put in a gas pipe i was under supervision (still a mate at the time)and ran a 3-4 meter run of 22mil through a concrete floor and wrapped this in denzo tape , my boss seemed to think it would be ok but i dont think we had any coated pipe anyway.
is it only electrical cables/plugs/appliances etc i need to worry about or are there rules about running gas near water pipes as well?