you should be on the Gas Safe Register (on a kind of holding list) about 20 days after you pass your exams, by the time the centre process the paperwork then pass it to the certification body to do their bit, they will then download your info/quals to GSR ( who will add you to the register) and send you your certs, so technically GSR will know about you a couple of days before you recieve your certs, as soon as you are on the GSR you are held on a list of qualified but unregistered, until you pay your £428 to become self employed or you get a job and the employer pays £67 to add you to their register. A few guys have said they thought as soon as they pass their exam they are qualified to work (like passing your driving test and driving home from the test) this isnt the case and neither is it the case that you can go self employed as you are "on the GSR" but you are simply on a know list of qualified people, obly when someone pays will you be added and allowed to work