is it just me or is everyone else getting sick and tired of being baby sat by these regulators first corgi who to be fair were not to bad but now gas safe which is just a money making scheme after all what have we paid for and god forbid you have a year out it doubles and for what ......to go on probation for 3 months every year has no one actually sat down and thought if we keep increasing the presure on what engineers we have that are registered the number is going to increase year on year with those who wont, after all just because they are not registered doesnt mean they are not qualified or know what they are doing the way gas safe is being run is just making life so difficult and expensive that the numbers who refuse to register are increasing thus the threat level will also rise as they dont get the advice and updates that a registered engineer is offered. and why dosnt all other trades have to have the same grief we have after all a kitchen fitter can hang his wall unit over a vent , a carpet fitter will carpet over a vent in the floor it goes on and on and im sure most of you will agree driving a car is far more dangerous than fitting a boiler this is red tape gone mad you pay to re-qualify every 5 years so why does gas safe have to check you again year on year are they admitting that our quaifications for our gas are a waste of time and money or do they just want to make more money and for what a magazine that is only filling our recycle a web site that 90% of the public dont even use or no about and a little id card that no one ever asks for surely it would make more sense to lower the cost if not abolish it all together to incourge others to join and be monitored and if we are to be monitored year on year again aboish our 5 year quaification and let it run ...............