Can you quote where you found this information,
I was taught sand loaded fire bending of large bore copper tube, which meant that the copper tube was subject to the annealing process
What you are implying is that copper tube should not be brazed or hard soldered because this will bring the copper tube up to the annealing point of copper
How is coppersmithing of ships boilers and steam locomotives, even copper water services carried out if not by brazing, silver soldering, so annealing the copper tube in the process
Copper work hardens, the more you work it the harder it gets, and tends to fracture, if worked too much without it being annealed to restore its temper
Taking you statement to its logical conclusion, if you install dead soft temper copper tube it will water pit, because it has been annealed in the works
Continental copper tube is normally sold in 5 metre lengths (called bars), this is dead hard temper, and cannot be bent without annealing, and I have yet to see a single piece of annealed copper tube suffering from water pitting caused by annealing
The only thing I am aware of, concerning pinhole pitting of copper tube, dates back to the late '60's where the oil used to help draw the copper tube formed a carbon layer in side the tube, this at times caused carbon pin hole pitting of the copper tube
Can I also refer you to the Wikipedia page concerning pitting of copper tube
Cold water pitting of copper tube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia