all started with the overflow from the clod water tank in the loft continuosly overflowing, ball valve working fine, but hot water is being forced up the cold feed to the immersion tank. Cold tank in loft gets tepid. In the kitchen and bathroom I can hear water rushing through the pipes. I now have no hot water, as I assume the immersion is filling with cold water. First plumber thought it might be the coil, second thought it wasn,t because water was crystal clear. Heating is fine radiaters get hot etc. When you turn the cold tap on in the bathroom (Mixer tap) cold water trickles out, hot comes out fine (but cold). Third plumber thinks there is a problem underground with the hot and cold crossing somewhere, but I thought only the cold comes in from underground. All this started when I went on holiday in August when i came home to find no water out of hot taps. Plumber said it was an air-lock and used the cold water flow, sending it up the hot pipes etc. It worked, but two weeks later everything else suddenly happened. help.......................