Hi i'm Andrew, i'm 35 and have recently been working in the security industry, but got fed up with lack of prospects and career progression and so in November decided to do something about it. I signed with Access2Trade, but in January, just before my first workshop session, they went into adminstration, in April OLCI took on my cousre, because I have finance through Barclays and so far so good. I completed 2 workshop sessions last month and have workshop3 and assessment 1 booked. I am thoroughly enjoying it. I'm training at the Nottinghamshire centre and the trainier is a top bloke with over 40 years experience. Although its hard fitting in the home study around a full time job, I think it will be worth it. Hopefully soon I will be able to get some work experience, my long term aim is to work for myself after picking up lots more experience and qualifications. I know this is a few years away yet and i'm certainly under no illusions, but i'm sure the hard work will be worth it.
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