Hi Joined up ages ago but didn't introduce myself at the time and not been back on far a while so sorry for the delay.
Well I'm Carl, I'm 29 and from Bangor North Wales. I'm just about to complete my City & Guilds Technichal Certificate Level 2 through BTSC Manchester ( Yes everything you've read is True - briliant centre really good tuition unbealiveable business plan Won't open that can of worms though - apart from Con Artist!)
As I said almost a 'level 2qualified plumber' - qualified by paper not through experience I'm affraid! really looking for an apprentaship so I can become a proper plumber and not a cowboy. Never been one for doing things half arsed!
erm.... can't think of anything else?!?! soz lol
Well I'm Carl, I'm 29 and from Bangor North Wales. I'm just about to complete my City & Guilds Technichal Certificate Level 2 through BTSC Manchester ( Yes everything you've read is True - briliant centre really good tuition unbealiveable business plan Won't open that can of worms though - apart from Con Artist!)
As I said almost a 'level 2qualified plumber' - qualified by paper not through experience I'm affraid! really looking for an apprentaship so I can become a proper plumber and not a cowboy. Never been one for doing things half arsed!
erm.... can't think of anything else?!?! soz lol