hi all, a customer said that the gas hob flame was too weak, is there anyway to increase the operating pressure? never did this before, is this possible?
are there any other appliances on when the cooker is weak, is the pipesize correct, have you got enough pressure at the govnor, could be that the injector blocked?
the first question would be has it always been this way? they may have even installed it themselves? would not be the first time, had a tennant complain of a gas leak behind cooker and it turn out hed fitted the cooker himself.
i fixed a leak last week after a complaint from the tenant there was gas leak behind the cooker where the hose is connected.
The guy was showing me how he was locating the leak first he spit on the hose looking for bubbles and later he got his lighter out before he could do his stunt i blew out the flame and told him not to bother!!
the landlord installed the cooker himself! now where is the HSE?
I had a job at at Chinese persons house and he said its weak i said you are only getting a small flame at that he got his lighter out waved it over the hob and shouted ITS WEAKING
well, i have seen a gas hob been connected with a filling loop, i was shocked and then the landlord tried to show off and told me how he struggled to do that