I have been called out to service an Idel Classic NF 80 boiler
wich was not working. When I undone the control box so that it was
hanging on its wiring the boiler started up as it should. so I put the contol
box back in position and then nothing so undone the control box again as
before and the boiler stated working again. So I checcked all the connections and all the wires for continuity and all seems fine but when I
Screw the control box back the boiler fails to start. I have been in contact with technical support and they say it must be a loose connection but I still have not found one. Has anybody had a problem like
this or any idea what it could be.
Thanks Jeff
wich was not working. When I undone the control box so that it was
hanging on its wiring the boiler started up as it should. so I put the contol
box back in position and then nothing so undone the control box again as
before and the boiler stated working again. So I checcked all the connections and all the wires for continuity and all seems fine but when I
Screw the control box back the boiler fails to start. I have been in contact with technical support and they say it must be a loose connection but I still have not found one. Has anybody had a problem like
this or any idea what it could be.
Thanks Jeff