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Our current boiler is 19 years old (and a piece of Rubbish)

Had a guy round today from Energy Options Solutions that offered us an Ideal 30kw Logic Boiler on 10 year finance with 10 year warranty.

They claimed it would save us 54% minimum on our gas bill per month and we would have a magnetic cleanse (which is around £300-£700) + installation. They claimed there'd be a lot of sludge in our heating system due to the old boiler and that's what is causing low gas efficiency along with the old boiler.

So essentially the savings on gas would pay for the boiler. This comes to about £60 savings a month.

This all for a total of £3500 of which we pay monthly for and no upfront cost.

The boiler and installation without the cleanse would be about £3000, which is a lot for an Ideal Boiler - Googling says these are budget boilers and a Worcestershire Bosch would be the best bet. A WB would be cheaper overall to have installed - this would be without cleanse and a good chunk of cash upfront however, around £2000.

My questions:

Is a magnetic cleanse worth the price?

Is a lot of what he is saying hoo hah just to sell me a boiler, or is there actual merit in this?

Would the savings of 54% a month happen with any new and more efficient boiler anyway?

If I've missed out any details that would help please let me know, my knowledge of this stuff is very poor.
Not a chance, it's mostly puff and guff. Beware the claims and if you don't believe me ask if he'll put it writing (performance spec) and if you have any come back if those claims aren't met.

It's a magnaclense, they'll all offer a version of sytem cleaning which you'll probably require and should be included in the price. Whether yours is as bad as they claim I can't say.

Do all your radiators heat up ok, if they do leave it alone and if you want to replace they're are probably better and cheaper ways to finance.
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with claims like that and that price. tell you what send me £1000 and i"l send you 2 back, do you believe me?

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