hi all. I run in to trouble today with one site manager for advising the customer to have their hot water on a timer rather than on all the time. Aparrently thats not the case having the water on all the time is more efficient. Boiler is ideal logic and is linked to a unvented cylinder. What do my fellow tradesman think?
I remember when fluorescent lamps came out at first, people would asked " is it more efficient to leave it on or turn it off when you go out of the room, it depends if you are going out for 1 hr, 1 day, 1 week, who bloody cares do your own ting man and make a decision a day, its like when you use to bleed off gas to vent a system
in the early days, they would say, " I can smell gas, can you" all these memories flooding back, my body is telling me something.
I remember a long time ago next door neighbour knocked on he had been away to Spain for two weeks, can you come in Tony my hot water is still hot and I have been away, I turned the gas off before we went away, its wasn't winter BTW so don't start off on one, anyway went up to the cylinder and yes red hot, th' immersion heater twas on, been left on, I said you DH you left it on, where he said here this switch, that's been on ever since we bought the house 15 year ago, BTW in those days there was only a switch in the cupboard without a neon.
Oh happy days