is it this bad

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
got talking to a lad at merchants today worked for a firm called mears
council work.he was telling me all vans have trackers in,they know exactley where they are,how long on job.he said he was waiting for a tennent outside the house when we had all the bad weather,snow etc.
they rang from office and told him to turn off engine as he was wasting deisel ! .He also said they got no sick pay,the wage was poor,and they had to do call out no extra money.I dont know how poeple put up with that,they may as well jack it and go self employed.How things change
That's poor T's and C's.

We get double time for doing stand by call outs.

I'd stick that particular employment out until october-ish time when folk are hiring and then tell them to shove their job.
i used to work for b'ham city council..what a great job i had for 5 years then privatisation set in we was run by service team first then morrison facilities and then mears....worked for them for a year and they were rubbish...worst people i'd ever worked for in my life...anyway they offered redundancies 2 years ago and i was first in the door! i still have a few friends there now and they hate it...their response always is "well it's a job ennit" but they all agree that mears are a bunch of penny pinching operators . Glad i got out when i did!!
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its the same on bt my mate told me ,
the engineer sit in the areas waiting around for the next job or just for home time. until they can move the van
Been like this for contractors for years, why, engineers like golf rather than poorly paid hours,. In order for the company to keep in business their biggest cost - The Man and The van and Fuel (All supplied free of charge) need to be cost effective. Afraid it a sign of the times. Nut hey, if you don't like it there is always good work for a good engineer. look around. Once you get stuck in there you forget there is a world outside and become very reliant.
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