Hi! Fuzzy,
Basically that is the idea.
Just show your grade card and they take you on.
They know what they are getting and can sack you if you can't deliver it. In return no haggling they usually pay you the grade rate and all the extras.
Part of the idea goes back to the early seventies when apprentices just out of their time, with little experience, where declared Plumbers and so entitled to a full Plumbers wage.
It meant though, that they got the same wages as a Plumber who may have been working as a Plumber for 20 odd years, in charge of men and running complex jobs.
Which doesn't really seem fair.
So they started the JIB to over see the industry and set the wage rates as well as other things.
Before the new cards there where three categories Trained, Advanced and Technician.
The technician should be capable of virtually running a company on their own, as well as running highly complex jobs, not to mention supervisory aspects.
The Advance Plumber could also be asked to act as a Foreman as well as take charge of big jobs.
What usually happens though is that the Advanced Plumber grade is the one most Plumbers seem to have. Its okay being a tech but its finding work that will pay the tech rate.
But you can downgrade, and keep your higher grade, if there is work for the lower grade although of course you will not usually be paid the higher rate.
Also its a bit of a job finding JIB companies now days, most Plumbing companies no longer seem to be JIB, except the big ones. Some places though demand a companies staff be in the JIB.
I never had any problems with it, it seems a good idea. Its the same as the "sparks".
Have a look on the JIB website Joint Industrial Board for Plumbing Mechanical Engineering Services.
Its free if your in the union and so much a year if your not. I think it also has a self employed branch as well that negotiates on your behalf with the big companies, making sure you get a good self employed deal.