The past couple of months I'v been installing a Rad in each room of the house in order of them being decorated. The hall is next, I'v added the new Rad in the hall to the existing pipes running down the wall which I installed recently for the front room feed.
All is well with the new Rad an the newly soldered joints apart from an older joint which has a small drip, I'm guessing it was disturbed when I put new T's on the existing pipes..it was quite difficult to get the T's in.
As I'm a DIY'er and not a pipe fitter I'm unsure how to repair it, do you simlpy reheat the joint and apply more solder? or would that older joint need to be replaced?
I obviously dont want to be boxing any pipes in that are buggered!
Any advice will be apprieciated.
All is well with the new Rad an the newly soldered joints apart from an older joint which has a small drip, I'm guessing it was disturbed when I put new T's on the existing pipes..it was quite difficult to get the T's in.
As I'm a DIY'er and not a pipe fitter I'm unsure how to repair it, do you simlpy reheat the joint and apply more solder? or would that older joint need to be replaced?
I obviously dont want to be boxing any pipes in that are buggered!
Any advice will be apprieciated.