Local plumbers?

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Afternoon all,

After much deliberation over the various fast track courses available and establishing that they seem to be widely dis-regarded in the industry I have decided to do it "properly" and go back to college part time to study the full NVQ 2...

My only stumbling block now is finding a local firm willing to take me on as an apprentice.

Does anyone know of any plumbing firms in the South Yorkshire area looking for Plumbing apprentices??

If not, can anyone tell me of large plumbing organisations in the area? These larger companies (from what I hear) are more likely to look at taking on in this recession.

Thanks in advance! 😀
Hi Brad,Good decision.For a start it should be much cheaper.Quite a lot of leech-like expensive organisations are going bust.Unfortunately not before they have 'trained' masses of poor souls who haven't a hope in hell of getting an NVQ2 as it requires work placement.Many are lalso eft with losses when they go bust.This is the lowest qualification to have even a small hope of employment.Those who are determined/lucky to get ways of doing the NVQ file are often forced into trying self-employment,very steep learning curve and shortage of work.The latest wheeze is training 'Green' plumbers.I suspect they will be very green to fall for it but many will.IMHO I dont see big cities with solar heating panels and windmlls in their backyards.Horribly expensive and inefficient.Something to watch for re-local colleges,some charge quite high fees but sometimes they have a linked training organisation who seem to get more funding and can be a lot cheaper.Do find out what the NVQ2 requires and how you might achieve it.It is a hefty and detailed file to fill.You need placements to demonstrate what you can do eg where could you provide evidence of 2 complete bathroom re-fits.It isn't my intention to be negative.This is a realistic picture of things as they are.There are lots of threads re-work placements and offers to work for nothing from trainees.There are also a fair few gloomy pictures of the current work situation.Lots of questions about how to generate work on here as well.I can't help in your search but you are 100% correct in seeking a placement to do NVQ2 successfully.Good luck.
Hi Brad,
I have to agree with A1P better choice to attend a proper technical college. I have employed previous characters who claimed allsorts until you get them on site and find them out very quickly.

So dont be put off as previous reply suggests the NVQ2 portfolio is a hefty lot of evidence to have to compile and you will need a lot of evidence to present.
As for finding a firm to take you on would be ideal and the answer to your dreams, its not a bad idea to offer your services for free to begin with this shows willingness and determiantion and will gain you the experience and evidence you need, i know some will say its cheap labour and people will use you blah blah 😱but at least you would get the all important look what i can do to pass over to your college for evidence.
I wont kid you its really hard out there sometimes but if your determined to succeed then dont EVER give up on your dream.
Good look and best wishes 🙂🙂🙂
good luck to you bradclark - and welcome!! - the lads werent joking re the free work mate, a lot of us have had to do this , - it gets you involved and gives great grounding - and if you show enthusiasm and/or a natural flair, you could end up with a great job!!! - let us know how you get on - good luck mate, - moore

copperman is so right! its long heavy dirty work - but its a fantastic job - All the best mate
Morning chaps,

Many thanks for your replies and advice - I will certainly take everything on board.

At this stage I have emailed most South Yorks Plumbers that have websites/email links... Today I will be ringing round all that are left... Two co's have already replied asking for CV so that has to be a step in the right direction.

I will be more than willing to work for free if I have to and I shall be sure to make that known.

The college tutor has been petty vague about the course so far and I still don't know how much it costs (has to be cheaper than 4.5k for 6129 only)... I think the most important use of my time at this stage though is to find employment/placement!! Once I have this and fully enroll at college I imagine I'll get much more detail on the course...

Thanks again...


P.S: If there are any South Yorkshire plumbers out there reading this and who are looking for a truly determined, result driven apprentice then please do get in touch.
Hi again,

Just thought I'd broadcast some great news!

I have successfully managed to find an apprenticeship placement in Doncaster to start in September!😀

Now my biggest challenge will be to sustain living on such small wages for two years - luckily my partner earns a pretty decent salary so with some serious belt tightening we should be ok - just.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone for your advice. I will no doubt be in touch again with updates and further questions.

Kind Regards,
well done brad, a success story!

it does show that of you want it you can get it

Too many people expect to pay a few thousand and be a plumber and earn £80k in the following year

Best of luck to you anyway!
You will enjoy sunny Donny,Bradley,great news,hope all goes well 🙂
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