You should replace any earthing that is connected to pipe work, that you removed and have worked on or replaced,if you replace in plastic,advise should be sort from a competent person,electrician or reg elec plumber ect.
If after altering pipe work,earthing cable will not reach pipe work again you must not extend ,this has to be done by a competent person
If cabling poor condition,looks incorrect size,incorrect clamps,should be refitted and customer advised to get inspected asap or call a competent person to check
If you remove main earthing cable from water main or gas supply,to replace pipe work ,temp earthing should be fitted and main earthing replaced after works,if no main earthing before works undertaken,should be fitted by competent person before works carried out,never do this work yourself ,if not qualified /competent,as main earthing you connect to maybe faulty and requires testing
The main earthing of a property is a very inportant part of the electrical installation and should be treated as such🙂