Motorized valve

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Hi i think the motorized valve has gone! has anyone got any hints or tips of how to tell for sure, also how do i change a motorized valve on a central heating sytem an explanation or link to a vid would be great.
Also how do i tell if just the motor is gone or the hole thing.
I have done a fair bit of plumbing in my time but never done one of thease yet.
Thanks in advance.🙂
Why are you swapping the valve ? are you getting hot water and no ch?
Check for a signal to the valve motor when you are asking for heating (you will need to take the valve cover off and use a multimeter.) Can't remember which colour lead it is but I'm sure someone on here will soon tell you. If the signal is being sent but the valve is not responding, then replace.
Ok will try that.
If it's more than just the motor do i need to do a drain down to swap it or can i just bunge the tank?
if you take of the whole body, you should be able to switch it manually. if so its proberbly just the syncron motor you can buy for around £10.
Ok will try that.
If it's more than just the motor do i need to do a drain down to swap it or can i just bunge the tank?
you cant bung if theres more than one open end as it wont hold the vacum however with three ways its often possible to turn of the pump valve and the balancing valve on the cylinder and then bung
if you have to drain in normal two storey house the 3 way is usually pretty high up so you only have to drain to below it last one i did took all of 20 mins including venting fitted the hose to drain of with jubbly clip and hung the hose over the front door dont open the rad vents and crack the nuts one at a time on the valve as soon as theres no water close drain of
Hi there were some crossed line's as when i got to my mates flat he told me that the CH would not turn of so i checked the valve it was stuck on the w position switched the HW of and turned CH on( This is on a valiant combi by the way) the indicator on the motor did not move so to save further hassle i replaced the valve and motor all went well wired to exact the same as the old one (It was an exact replacment for the old Drayton mid position 22mm MA1/679-3) re pressured the combi bled the air out switched control panel back on the valve is now in H position with the manul leaver at the back so turned of CH switched on HW the pointer did not move there is hot water from taps and the rads seamed to be getting warm then ran out of time and had to leave it.
Have i missed something will the thermostat move the leaver later on, in the instructions it says the manual leaver has a lock but this is released when the valve is powered. Tried to move this by hand it seamed quite stiff and did not want to force it if any one has any suggestions as to weather it will start to work when the timer comes on, or what i should try next it would save me a reastless night.
Yet again thanks in advance.
Are you referring to the black handle with an arrow on , just slip it off otherwise it will remain unable to move.
A Thanks for that in the instrutions it says it comes of on its own when the motor starts up i take it from what youve just sead thats not the case will it harm the motor with it locked on?
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