Hi there were some crossed line's as when i got to my mates flat he told me that the CH would not turn of so i checked the valve it was stuck on the w position switched the HW of and turned CH on( This is on a valiant combi by the way) the indicator on the motor did not move so to save further hassle i replaced the valve and motor all went well wired to exact the same as the old one (It was an exact replacment for the old Drayton mid position 22mm MA1/679-3) re pressured the combi bled the air out switched control panel back on the valve is now in H position with the manul leaver at the back so turned of CH switched on HW the pointer did not move there is hot water from taps and the rads seamed to be getting warm then ran out of time and had to leave it.
Have i missed something will the thermostat move the leaver later on, in the instructions it says the manual leaver has a lock but this is released when the valve is powered. Tried to move this by hand it seamed quite stiff and did not want to force it if any one has any suggestions as to weather it will start to work when the timer comes on, or what i should try next it would save me a reastless night.
Yet again thanks in advance.