In concealed cistern. The float valve vibrates a lot (mainly when it begins to refill, less when nearly full.) If you put your fingers on where the piston bit closes the valve you can feel it going like the clappers.
Is there a standard washer and seat set that would fit this or would I need the specific make? And is that likely to be the solve? Or could the valve itself be nonced? It's been concealed in way that would mean taking half the bathroom apart if it needs a new whole inlet valve fitted. Anyone know what these are actually called? See them quite a bit.
Is there a standard washer and seat set that would fit this or would I need the specific make? And is that likely to be the solve? Or could the valve itself be nonced? It's been concealed in way that would mean taking half the bathroom apart if it needs a new whole inlet valve fitted. Anyone know what these are actually called? See them quite a bit.