Looking to 'crowd-source' some public opinion on this one.
I bought a studio apartment on 30th September 2022 and I'm currently working with contractors to refurbish it. I'm 39 and it is my only property (I'm no property tycoon).
Next door's bathroom is on the other side of the wall to my bathroom.
The waste pipe from their toilet comes through the wall into my bathroom and then runs laterally along the bathroom floor to the rear wall. The pipework is boxed in along the floor but - make no mistake - it is not hidden below the floorboards, it is in my bathroom, and on my bathroom floor. Their wastepipe then joins the waste pipework of my own toilet which connects to the exterior building fall pipe.
Not only does this look messy, but I have been informed that the previous owner notified the Managing Agent that, on occasion, when next door flush their toilet, their waste can backup and appear in my toilet. I have had the property for 24 days now and that hasn't happened once but the mere suggestion is obviously unpleasant. I plan to rent the property out and that situation will, quite rightly, be completely unacceptable to a tenant. In fact, the contractors have suggested that if it does happen then any future tenant may ask me to put them up in a hotel until I remedy the problem during an active tenancy.
I have checked the paperwork for the property and can find no evidence of any legal right for next door to have their waste pipework inside my bathroom.
I am thinking of writing to the neighbours to explain that I have purchased the property and am having it refurbished and as part of that work I will be removing their waste pipework from my bathroom and I will be sealing up the bathroom wall on my side. I thought I could give them one month's notice to reconfigure their own plumbing in their own bathroom.
Is this reasonable do you think? Should I be offering to put them in touch with a plumber, or giving them more time to remedy etc? Or rather than tell them what I'm going to do and give them notice, should I offer them the chance to come over, take a look, and suggest a solution?
The Building Managing Agent told me that they are assholes who complain about everything (his words) so I'm conscious that it might be better to go in strong and decisive rather than giving them an inch in case they try to take a mile. On the other hand, I don't know anything about them and never met them so they could be perfectly reasonable people that just don't get along with the Agent.
What do you think people?
Looking to 'crowd-source' some public opinion on this one.
I bought a studio apartment on 30th September 2022 and I'm currently working with contractors to refurbish it. I'm 39 and it is my only property (I'm no property tycoon).
Next door's bathroom is on the other side of the wall to my bathroom.
The waste pipe from their toilet comes through the wall into my bathroom and then runs laterally along the bathroom floor to the rear wall. The pipework is boxed in along the floor but - make no mistake - it is not hidden below the floorboards, it is in my bathroom, and on my bathroom floor. Their wastepipe then joins the waste pipework of my own toilet which connects to the exterior building fall pipe.
Not only does this look messy, but I have been informed that the previous owner notified the Managing Agent that, on occasion, when next door flush their toilet, their waste can backup and appear in my toilet. I have had the property for 24 days now and that hasn't happened once but the mere suggestion is obviously unpleasant. I plan to rent the property out and that situation will, quite rightly, be completely unacceptable to a tenant. In fact, the contractors have suggested that if it does happen then any future tenant may ask me to put them up in a hotel until I remedy the problem during an active tenancy.
I have checked the paperwork for the property and can find no evidence of any legal right for next door to have their waste pipework inside my bathroom.
I am thinking of writing to the neighbours to explain that I have purchased the property and am having it refurbished and as part of that work I will be removing their waste pipework from my bathroom and I will be sealing up the bathroom wall on my side. I thought I could give them one month's notice to reconfigure their own plumbing in their own bathroom.
Is this reasonable do you think? Should I be offering to put them in touch with a plumber, or giving them more time to remedy etc? Or rather than tell them what I'm going to do and give them notice, should I offer them the chance to come over, take a look, and suggest a solution?
The Building Managing Agent told me that they are assholes who complain about everything (his words) so I'm conscious that it might be better to go in strong and decisive rather than giving them an inch in case they try to take a mile. On the other hand, I don't know anything about them and never met them so they could be perfectly reasonable people that just don't get along with the Agent.
What do you think people?