no HW / CH - Yet

  • Thread starter Thread starter nysk2008
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Hi all,

I have a customer who has an indirect unvented system. I would fire up the boiler and loud banging noises would come from around the 3-port and pump area and the boiler would shut down, turns out it was the pump (thanks for that "steve the plumber")

Anyway by request of the customer I fitted a new cylinder, new pump and new 3-port and I am still getting the same problem.

The system is full of sh** and to be honest could do with flush.

Could this problem be any of the following

Needs a flush as cant pump water?
Dodgy electrics forcing pump to cut out (the customer done his own wiring and it is dodgy)
or something else

It make this baging noise when calling for Hot Water and when calling for Hot water / CH

I know I have been going on on the thread but just wanted to give all the info.

any help would be great.


P.S. This is also posted in the general forum but wasn't sure where to put it.

morning all,

any ideas on this one as I have to get back to the customer day and am not really sure what to advise?

would appreciate any thoughts on this

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The way you describe this system sounds to me as though its an indirect vented system i.e. open to atmosphere. I would almost certainly say that sludge is the problem and a full system flush should resolve it idealy the pump needs to be removed and a makeshift piece of pipe in its place during the flushing process and pump replaced afterwards to stop any debris entering the pump. And i would get the electrics checked out.
will do Armo, thanks for your reply, you're right it is vented just wrote the wrong word. Thing is in the system (pipework) the sludge is almost like a blue version of those little polystyrene balls - never seen it before so not sure a flush would do the job??????
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