How I came to be away for 3 months or so
It all started when I fell down stairs about 15 years ago and the hospital did not do any x-ray's on my back, to see what damage I had done to it (thank you Derriford)
About 18 months ago when I was helping my son I slipped on a piece of clay, my left foot skidded out and my right heel came down hard, breaking both my ankle and the smaller bone in my lower right leg, Christmas before last I was bent double, the doctor ordered a CAT scan, plus ultra sound scan on my body, result my spine was bent like a helix both curved to the right and left, also in and out, with pinching of 5 discs, and my hips were 6 mm out of level, the ultra sound scan showed that I also had a hernia in my chest an enlarged liver and an enlarged prostrate, I also had to see a gastroligest who found out that with another ultra sound scan that I had an enlarged liver, and the blood tests showed that I have an excess of copper in my blood
I had to wear a corset whilst the physio sorted out my spine, I still cannot stand for a long time bent over like when you do the washing up, my back starts to kill me
This year I started to feel dog tired so just before Christmas, I went again to see the doctor, first off was a finger ***** which showed that I am now type 2 diabetic, more tests followed again, to the gastreoligest, for another ultra sound scan then to the cardeoligest to be wired up for 24 hours, between the new year and now I have had the nurse in 4 times to take blood, anything from 3 to 7 samples at a time, also the doctor was horrified that the last tetenous injection that I had was about 15 years back, so he ordered a combined jab tetenous, polio, and diphtheria all in one
So now first thing I do is a finger ***** test to find out how much my sugar/blood level is also again at night before eating and take 3 tablets a day, plus a different 1 at night
And when my internet provider was taken over and changed servers, I was without internet for a few days, and being so tired I just could not bother to have the hassle of changing provider
One thing about being in France was no delay in seeing a specialist I saw both within 10 days, being a diabetic I get most of the medication plus the taxi to the specialists free, also being on a French retirement pension, I get about 35% to 40% more than the UK equivalent OAP so more to spend on **** and wine
It all started when I fell down stairs about 15 years ago and the hospital did not do any x-ray's on my back, to see what damage I had done to it (thank you Derriford)
About 18 months ago when I was helping my son I slipped on a piece of clay, my left foot skidded out and my right heel came down hard, breaking both my ankle and the smaller bone in my lower right leg, Christmas before last I was bent double, the doctor ordered a CAT scan, plus ultra sound scan on my body, result my spine was bent like a helix both curved to the right and left, also in and out, with pinching of 5 discs, and my hips were 6 mm out of level, the ultra sound scan showed that I also had a hernia in my chest an enlarged liver and an enlarged prostrate, I also had to see a gastroligest who found out that with another ultra sound scan that I had an enlarged liver, and the blood tests showed that I have an excess of copper in my blood
I had to wear a corset whilst the physio sorted out my spine, I still cannot stand for a long time bent over like when you do the washing up, my back starts to kill me
This year I started to feel dog tired so just before Christmas, I went again to see the doctor, first off was a finger ***** which showed that I am now type 2 diabetic, more tests followed again, to the gastreoligest, for another ultra sound scan then to the cardeoligest to be wired up for 24 hours, between the new year and now I have had the nurse in 4 times to take blood, anything from 3 to 7 samples at a time, also the doctor was horrified that the last tetenous injection that I had was about 15 years back, so he ordered a combined jab tetenous, polio, and diphtheria all in one
So now first thing I do is a finger ***** test to find out how much my sugar/blood level is also again at night before eating and take 3 tablets a day, plus a different 1 at night
And when my internet provider was taken over and changed servers, I was without internet for a few days, and being so tired I just could not bother to have the hassle of changing provider
One thing about being in France was no delay in seeing a specialist I saw both within 10 days, being a diabetic I get most of the medication plus the taxi to the specialists free, also being on a French retirement pension, I get about 35% to 40% more than the UK equivalent OAP so more to spend on **** and wine