I am currently trying to solve a problem in terms of laying pipes in a screed floor. The old copper pipework under the screed is leaking and so I am going to abandon it and lay new pipe. I can't box them in or run from the ceiling. So my solution, after some research, was to bring in a new flow and return run from the outside boiler at the back of the house, run these pipes under the kitchen units into the cupboard under the stairs, connect these to a manifold (standard plastic hep20 3 port manifold) , and run plastic pipe in conduit to each radiator individually in their own channels, with no joins under the screed. I have dug out the channels in the screed and bought the pipe to do this myself, but just before I go and actually finish it off I am wondering is this definitely a sensible thing to do? I didn't see any other option as boxing in would mean crossing doorways, and I couldn't drop down from ceiling. Also I'm wondering how to do the radiator tails so they don't look bad as bendy plastic pipe coming out of the floor isn't going to be ideal. I will get a plumber to come and connect the pipes to the boiler when finished.