Pipe Slicer

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I need to put a tee for a new 12.5mm take off on a pipe that is difficult to access. I will file out the stopper inside the tee to make a slip coupling. As access is poor I wondered if these pipe slicers are any good. I think you clip them round the pipe and rotate?

Any advice ??
OOps Tom. Schoolboy error. I did mean 15mm. Old fart that I am I was thinking 1/2 inch in my head and converting to 12.5mm !!

I shall pick one up then before I start.

Easy T
again with all tools you get what you pay for

Cant recall the name of mine with out going to my kit bag but its a dull metal colour with a jagged edge around the circumference for grip, probs a few years old now but good as ever
We use kopex pipe slice. The rothenberger ones don't seam to last as long.

We have 15mm, 22mm & 28mm. We also have an adjustable one that goes from 1mm to 15mm
Definantly Kopex they are decenttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!! Rothenberger for Pipe Freezing Kits Pressure Testers etc etc!!!!!!! Makita for the Cordless!!!!!!!!!
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