Pipe Stat

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brian b

Could anyone please tell me the correct pipe stat to buy to fit to my hot water return (central heating) pipe to control the circulating pump switching it on as the temp. rises above 45 degrees and switching it off as the temp drops below 45 degrees. I have bought a danfoss type AT 041e0000 temp. range 30-90 but this just turns the pump off at whatever setting on the stat i set it to when that temp is reached.
Thanks very much i appreaciate any help.
Are there not 3 connections on the stat , a common, break on rise and a break on fall ?
I think if you go common and break on fall then set it at 45 it should work.
Check the wiring diagram that came with it
Thanks very much Toddy I will try that,

Are there not 3 connections on the stat , a common, break on rise and a break on fall ?
I think if you go common and break on fall then set it at 45 it should work.
Check the wiring diagram that came with it
Thanks Toddyplumb Stat sorted, I had it working the opposite way round like on a hot water cylinder switching off when temp was reached. More haste less speed.
Cheers for the advice.
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