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I just got a table dishwasher which im connecting to my kitchen sink, however having to take the adapter thingy off/on the sink every time i need to use either sink or dishwasher is a huge pain in the a***. If possible id like a product that allows me to switching between 2 taps or seomthing with a switch. Im imagining something similar to:
Google Image Result for https://media.bunnings.com.au/Product-384x384/674ea2c1-72c0-467b-a4f5-a4522e30d6b7.png - https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.bunnings.com.au%2FProduct-384x384%2F674ea2c1-72c0-467b-a4f5-a4522e30d6b7.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bunnings.com.au%2Fholman-2-way-metal-tap-outlet_p3110519&tbnid=QPpZ4KP_cF_LuM&vet=12ahUKEwig2NeujpHqAhUJuioKHcmkAkUQMyhYegUIARCMAQ..i&docid=QZrT9NHAXFIe_M&w=384&h=384&q=kitchen%20sink%20dual%20tap%20adapter&ved=2ahUKEwig2NeujpHqAhUJuioKHcmkAkUQMyhYegUIARCMAQ
However this is not the right size it looks like, and i have no idea what sizes im looking for that will fit my dishwasher hose/adapter. If someone know what sizes the dual-tap thing should be to allow my dishwasher to get attached please enlighten me, i already wasted money on one product that didnt fit zzzz. My dishwasher adapter for reference:
Google Image Result for https://media.bunnings.com.au/Product-384x384/674ea2c1-72c0-467b-a4f5-a4522e30d6b7.png - https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.bunnings.com.au%2FProduct-384x384%2F674ea2c1-72c0-467b-a4f5-a4522e30d6b7.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bunnings.com.au%2Fholman-2-way-metal-tap-outlet_p3110519&tbnid=QPpZ4KP_cF_LuM&vet=12ahUKEwig2NeujpHqAhUJuioKHcmkAkUQMyhYegUIARCMAQ..i&docid=QZrT9NHAXFIe_M&w=384&h=384&q=kitchen%20sink%20dual%20tap%20adapter&ved=2ahUKEwig2NeujpHqAhUJuioKHcmkAkUQMyhYegUIARCMAQ
However this is not the right size it looks like, and i have no idea what sizes im looking for that will fit my dishwasher hose/adapter. If someone know what sizes the dual-tap thing should be to allow my dishwasher to get attached please enlighten me, i already wasted money on one product that didnt fit zzzz. My dishwasher adapter for reference: